HEY FENTON, DID YOU KNOW...? 215,297 6,890 100 is the number of licensed financial advisors in the United States is the number of licensed financial advisors in the state of Michigan. is the number of licensed financial advisors, in Michigan, who were featured in Forbes 2019 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors. Forbes is the number of licensed financial advisors, in Michigan, who were featured in Barron's 2019 Top 1200 Financial Advisors is the number of licensed financial advisors, in Michigan, who were featured in Forbes AND Barron's, and also have an office in your hometown of Fenton WEALTH MANAGEMEN Call 810-593-1624 for a complimentary Retirement Readiness Report today! www.KaydanWealthManagement.com 1329 W. Silver Lake Road, Fenton, MI 48430 I P 810-593-1624 | F. 810-593-1643 Securides oflered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRASIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Finanoial Services Advisons, Inc. and Kaydan Wealth Management Inc Kaydan Wealth Management, lnc is not a regitered brokedealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Servioes The Forbes tanking of Best in-State Wealth Adwisors, developed by SHOOK Research is based on an aigonthm of qaitative enteria and quandtative data Those advisors that are considered have a minmum of7years of exper ence. and teat rrr we registered trademark ol Dow Jones&Company, LIP.Al rights neserved The rankings are based on data peowided by over 4000 individual advisors and their fms and indude qualitatve and quanttative oei stators Ike menetreros. AA place eco ds. ndustyexereceard tose tat en omass bestractoesnterpractoes adap roach t won ngwrdertA0to ated by tert Factors included in the rankings assets under management evenue produoed for the im eo co 29 104 atsors norm s 3,477 eoovedte Baron Shook Rebearch LLC or Barons Souroe Financial Planning Aasooaton